
全球市场准入测试 & 雷尼绍认证

Working with Element no doubt significantly reduced the time to market for our product range.



Renishaw is a global provider of manufacturing technologies, analytical instruments and medical devices. The company works closely with manufacturers to solve complex engineering and science challenges and improve products and processes.


A recent major upgrade of Renishaw’s market-leading radio transmission probing systems for machine tools would enable users to benefit from substantially increased functionality across the product range.  This included the use of radio transmission with frequency hopping spread spectrum technology (FHSS) to avoid interference and transmission dead spots, ensuring impressive reliability even in high-density radio frequency environments.

产品的变化意味着雷尼绍需要承担重要的无线电业务, 电磁兼容测试, and 安全检测和认证 使最新版本能够在全球多个市场推出. 其中包括欧洲, 北美, Japan, 阿根廷, Brazil, 印尼, India, Mexico, Malaysia, 菲律宾, 南非和韩国.

雷尼绍公司产品合规官理查德•沃伦评论道:“Renishaw places great importance on the safety and reliability of all its products. We are used to having to undertake this level of testing when we release new products but, 在这种情况下, we were looking at testing 11 different products almost simultaneously and in countries and locations that all had very different regulations and certification requirements.

The project was put out to tender and, after a rigorous selection process, Renishaw chose Element. 沃伦解释说:“Renishaw had worked with Element before and was confident not only in its testing, inspection and certification expertise but also its knowledge of the manufacturing technologies industry and Renishaw’s range of solutions.” 



这个项目的核心部分是无线电的协调和交付, 欧洲EMC和安全测试认证, 北美和日本. This was carried out by a team of test engineers and project managers at Element’s UKAS accredited facilities in Hull and 科梅达 在英国. 以及UKAS通过ISO/IEC 17025:2017认证, Element是欧洲无线电设备的公告机构, EMC & ATEX Directives, an Approved Body for the UK Radio Equipment Regulation, EMC Regulation and 潜在爆炸性环境法规, 美国电信认证机构(TCB), a Foreign 认证 Body (FCB) for Canada and a Conformity Assessment Body (CAB) for Japan.

作为IECEE认证机构和认证机构测试实验室(CBTL), Element was also able to perform all the necessary Safety CB testing and certification for the products. The IECEE CB方案 is a multilateral agreement and certification system based on IEC International Standards that can be readily accessed and accepted in international markets. A key aim of the scheme is to allow manufacturers to gain access to international markets without the need for time-consuming and costly, 在每个国家进行重复或额外的检测. 

Element’s 全球市场准入 team were then able to use Element’s UKAS accredited test reports to obtain certification for the products in countries that accept third party accredited test data including India, Malaysia, 菲律宾和南非.

GMA团队对每个地点的个人需求的专业知识, 结合对项目需求的详细了解, ensured they were able to complete the certification process for each region quickly and efficiently. Element’s global reach meant that its GMA engineers based in Europe and Asia could help to circumnavigate any potential time zone issues and avoid any language barriers.

对于那些要求产品在当地实验室进行检测的国家, Element was able to arrange all the additional mandatory overseas testing and provide in-country representation, either at one of Element’s 200 laboratories worldwide or using an Element approved local test house from its expansive network of compliance partners. 这些国家包括巴西、印度尼西亚、台湾、韩国和墨西哥. 如果有必要的话, Element sourced and selected new suitable test houses to ensure certification was always achieved as quickly as possible. 



为了满足客户的需求,雷尼绍有许多关键的最后期限. 通过采取合作的方式, Element’s team of experts were able to work with Renishaw to meet all their timelines and deliver the project on time. 

Element对不同国家的规章制度有深入的了解, 包括任何可能发生的更新, 确保任何问题在出现时都得到专业的处理. The team kept abreast of any potential changes or issues developing in each location, advising Renishaw on topics ranging from labelling requirements and importer requirements to documentation language requirements. 在需要时, Element also liaised directly with the relevant government regulators on Renishaw’s behalf.

Element’s team of experts also fully briefed Renishaw on any additional future requirements, such as certification expiry dates and when the renewal process would be necessary. 这在不同的国家有很大的不同,比如墨西哥, 例如, 要求每12个月更新一次认证. 

理查德•沃伦评论道:“Overseas product testing during any testing and certification project can be a complex and time-consuming burden for manufacturers but Element took responsibility for many aspects from advice on test requirements to advising on local regulations and assisting with various technical and regulatory issues. 

“Working with Element no doubt significantly reduced the time to market for our product range. im体育APP不仅处理所有需要的东西, 尽快提供测试和认证, 但他们的团队确保我们在整个过程中始终保持最新状态, 帮助我们在专注于核心业务的同时获得确定性.


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